Reconciliation Week

Reconciliation Week

Reconciliation Week is an annual event promoting reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, encouraging reflection, understanding, and taking action towards addressing the injustices faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. This week commemorates many important milestones in the reconciliation journey, beginning with the 1967 referendum, and finishing on June 3rd, known as Mabo Day.

The theme for Reconciliation Week changes each year to highlight various aspects of the reconciliation journey. This year the theme is ‘Be a Voice for Generations’, encouraging all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in our everyday lives.

Mental health is a crucial aspect of reconciliation as we consider the impacts of historical and ongoing injustices faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Reconciliation Week sheds light on the impact of historical traumas on the mental health of Indigenous communities. It’s a time to raise awareness, promote healing, and harness the power of digital resources for accessible and culturally sensitive support.

There are a range of digital mental health resources out there designed for and by Indigenous communities offering crisis and counselling support, mental health and wellbeing support, family support, and enhancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians connection to culture and country for overall wellbeing. These resources provide culturally sensitive care, focusing on social, emotional and cultural wellbeing specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Crisis Support and Counselling

Telephone and online counselling services providing emotional and practical support for First Nations people experiencing distress or needing someone to talk to.

13YARN logo


13 92 76

Australia’s first Indigenous-led crisis helpline providing 24/7 telephone support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Brother to Brother Crisis Line

1800 435 799

Phone support for Aboriginal men who need someone to talk to about relationship issues, family violence, parenting, drug and alcohol issues, or who are struggling to cope for other reasons.


1800 805 801

Australia’s only Indigenous led and controlled suicide postvention service, providing emotional and practical support to families impacted by a loss from suicide or other fatal traumatic incidents.

Yarning SafeNStrong logo

Yarning SafeNStrong

1800 959 563

Find it on WellMob:

A national 24/7 helpline for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, established by Victorian Aboriginal Health Services (VAHS).

Connecting to Culture and Country

Digital mental health resources supporting First Nations people’s connection to culture, country and community.

Deadly Story

Find it on WellMob:

A cultural resource portal to support First Nations young people in out-of-home care connect to their culture, country, and community.

HitNet logo

HitNet Community Hub

Find it on WellMob:

An online kiosk delivering culturally appropriate health and social information to Australia’s hardest-to-reach communities.

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iTalk Studios

A range of animated videos exploring education, health, law, and money. The videos are in English and many dialects of the traditional Aboriginal language.

WellMob logo

Find more online wellbeing resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the WellMob website at, including;

  • Apps
  • Websites
  • Audio
  • Documents
  • Social Media
  • Videos
  • Online Counselling, and more.

The WellMob website links frontline health and wellbeing workers with culturally relevant social and emotional wellbeing resources to use with their clients in Indigenous communities, and their own wellbeing. They have also produced a range of training resources to support non-Indigenous workers to learn more about culturally secure practices.

Explore more digital resources fostering accessibility and empowering access to support in our online directory.