My QuitBuddy

My QuitBuddy


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About My QuitBuddy

My QuitBuddy is an app personalised to help the user quit smoking. The user can set when to quit, choose their own goals and reason for quitting, and include photos and recordings of loved ones. The community forum is one of the most popular features of the app, and allows quitters to share success stories, distraction tips and celebrate milestones.

The app also has other features, such as every evening for the first three weeks, My QuitBuddy ‘checks in’ to make sure the user is sticking to their quitting goals, and every day the user is smoke free a new health benefit is revealed. My QuitBuddy also allows the user to program danger times for when they know a craving might strike. At danger times, My QuitBuddy provides a reminder of why the user chose to quit, offers games to distract or can connect them to the Quitline to make sure they stay quit.

Who is My QuitBuddy for?

My QuitBuddy is for anyone in Australia wanting to quit smoking.

Is there a cost to use My QuitBuddy?

No, the app is free to download.

How to access My QuitBuddy’s services

The app can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store, or Google Play.