About MumSpace
Developed by the Perinatal Depression e-Consortium (PDeC), MumSpace is a one-stop website to support the mental health and emotional wellbeing of pregnant women, new mums, and their families. MumSpace provides information, strategies, tips, resources, and advice specifically for mums.
Website users can access tools and a range of information and resources including:
- Access to an online treatment program for postnatal depression and anxiety through MumMoodBooster.
- Access to an online treatment program for antenatal depression and anxiety through Mum2BMoodBooster.
- Access MindMum, a free app that provides effective coping strategies to lift mood, strengthen relationships and build confidence.
- Access to Baby Steps, a free online program supporting the wellbeing of new mums, dads and their babies.
- Access to What Were We Thinking!, a moderated parenting blog and a free mobile app to help new mums and dads learn practical skills for settling babies and adjusting to changes in their relationship with each other.
- Access to a series of downloadable resources to help new parents.
Who is MumSpace for?
This website is suitable for pregnant women, new mums, or their families.
Is there a cost to use MumSpace?
No – MumSpace is free to access and use.
How to access MumSpace
MumSpace can be accessed at https://www.mumspace.com.au/
MumSpace Research and Evaluation
MumSpace was developed by the Perinatal Depression e-Consortium (PDeC), led by the Parent-Infant Research Institute (PIRI) in partnership with Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA), Monash University, Jean Hailes for Women’s Health and the Queensland University of Technology. The online resources and apps that are available through MumSpace are evidence-based and have been evaluated by the PDeC partners in research studies conducted here in Australia.
Visit this page to read the evaluations conducted by the Parent-Infant Research Institute (PIRI).