February Featured Service: MindMum

February Featured Service: MindMum

This month’s featured service is MindMum, an app providing new and expectant mums with information, tips, monitoring, and planning support to help them feel confident in dealing with parenting and emotional challenges they may face.

mind mum logo

MindMum was developed by the Perinatal Depression e-Consortium (PDeC), led by the Parent-Infant Research Institute (PIRI) based in Austin Health in partnership with Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA), Jean Hailes Research Unit at Monash University, Jean Hailes for Women’s Health and Queensland University of Technology.

The MindMum app is part of MumSpace, Australia’s one-stop website supporting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of pregnant women, new mum and their families.  MumSpace is designed to quickly and easily connect new and expecting mums with the level of support they need, including advice, support and effective online treatment programs. The MumSpace website includes self-assessment resources, information for parents, online treatment programs and resources for parents, families and clinicians.

mum space logo

About MindMum

MindMum is an app designed to assist expectant and new mothers with the emotional challenges that this time of life often brings. The app provides effective strategies to help lift mood, strengthen relationships and feel supported and confident in becoming a mum.

The MindMum app includes many ideas to help mothers feel their best when they are pregnant or have just had a baby including;

  • Holding on to the good things
  • Feeling better when sad or worried
  • Mood tracking
  • Calming techniques using meditation and relaxation
  • Making action plans
  • Planning enjoyable moments with your baby, partner, friends or by yourself.

What are the benefits of using MindMum?

There are many benefits to using the MindMum including:

  • Strengthen new and expectant mothers’ relationships with their baby, partner and friends.
  • Increase new mothers’ confidence and resilience to tackle life’s ups and downs.
  • Improve mood and mental wellbeing.

Who is MumdMum for?

MindMum is designed for any new and expectant mothers to support them through this big life change and the associated mixed emotions such as uncertainty, worry and sadness.

Is there a cost to use MindMum?

There is no cost to access MindMum.

How to access MindMum?

MindMum is available to download for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for all smartphone devices.

MindMum Research and Evaluation

All of the online resources and apps available through MumSpace, including MindMum, are evidence-based and have been evaluated by PDeC partners in research studies across Australia.

The team at MumSpace are interested in feedback on the users journey through the MindMum app and how easy it is to navigate. Complete a short online survey at https://www.mumspace.com.au/mindmum-user-journey-survey/ to share your experience with the MindMum app.